This new approach needs to provide pharmacies with flyers,
counter cards, brochures, sample letters, newspaper ad slicks, press releases, letters to the editor and other
communications tools. Pharmacy personnel
would then be able to put them in the hands of their patients, employers and the local media. The materials need to be
colorful, have a captivating headline and be customized with the names and
email addresses of the state and national legislators in their area. The information would speak to the interest
of consumers and employers by documenting how the companies that provide their
prescription insurance coverage are grossly over charging them and denying consumers access to the medication their physician feels is most appropriate.
What these materials actually say and how they are designed
will require the best thinking of advertising professionals. But what is clear is that consumer and
employers need to have clear cut examples of how PBM rebates, formulary
restrictions and other unethical practices negatively affect them. It is
only when they understand this at the personal level will they speak up in
large numbers and demand action from their elected representatives, regulators and health insurance companies. W need to provide pharmacies with the information and the tools they need to help make that happen.
In order for pharmacy to meet the healthcare needs of our
country we need to do more and we need to do it more effectively. That not only means providing new and more
healthcare services. It also means finding
ways to engage consumers and employers in the fight to overcome the negative
effects of PBM counter-productive practices.
We can, indeed, we must, find ways to get consumers and employers to
join us in this fight.