Monday, May 11, 2020

Why You Need A Good Tag Line

They look simple enough; 15 minutes will save you 15%; the pause that refreshes; push button, get mortgage.  These tag lines are famous and I bet you can conjure up the product they support without too much thought. 

But, coming up with a really good tag line is harder, and more important, than you might think. The payoff for creating a simple, short, descriptive and effective tag line can be increased profits. 

So; what is the process?  What does it take to come up with a truly effective tag line? 

To start you’ll need to spend some time thinking about what your pharmacy does that makes it appealing to consumers.  That will help you identify your pharmacy’s Unique Selling Proposition, or what ad agency people call your, USP.

Knowing the core benefit of your pharmacy will help with everything else you do. For example, your ability to train your employees will improve because you’ll be able to tell them who you are and what you stand for.   Your ads, posters and other marketing materials will be better because you know, and can artfully communicate, your core attributes. 

Well, enough background; here are four things to consider when crafting an effective tag line:

1.      It needs to be simple.   Too often we get tied up in jargon or fancy words.  Make sure your tag line speaks to the needs, wants and emotions of your patients.  Allstate has done this well with…
          You’re In Good Hands

2.      It needs to be “yours”.  While this bit of “wisdom” may be a little overstated it makes an important point.  That being, if some other pharmacy can use your tag line then it is not really yours.  The tag line should speak to a distinctive consumer benefit that ties back to the product or services you provide.  M & M candies has done this well with their classic..
                                         They Melt In Your Mouth, Not In Your Hand

3.      Keep it short.  I love the story told of how at the close of a long letter Mark Twain apologized to the recipient by saying, “I would have written a shorter letter but I didn’t have time.”  Finding ways to say things in a clear concise manner is hard and it takes time; but it is important!  Papa John’s has done this well with…
Better ingredients, better pizza

4.      It needs to help describe a unique consumer benefit.  Your tag line should point out how your pharmacy is not just different, but better.  I like the old Burger King tag line…

Have It Your Way

Many years ago I was the director of marketing for an 80-location drug chain.  It was a combination of leased space grocery store and Walmart pharmacies combined with a dozen free standing traditional drug stores scattered across 4 states.  After a lot of thought we finally settled on this tag line….                               
 Helping You Feel Better

Our reasoning was that as a pharmacy our job was to help our customers feel better.  We did this by filling prescriptions that addressed health problems but we also did it by coming out from behind the counter to help customers find the right OTC product.  In our traditional stores we did it by selling gifts, cards, candy and other items.  And, we worked hard to call people by their name.  Each of these things, when done right, helped people feel better, brighten their day or lighten their load.   

Here’s hoping something here will help you think about your tag line and come up with a good one that will serve you well. 

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