Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Can A Pharmacy Charge For Cognitive Services?

A housewife went to the basement to do laundry.  She soon discovered that no water flowed to the washing machine so she called a plumber.  The plumber examined the pipes in the basement, took out a hammer and hit a place where two pipes joined.  Immediately water flowed to the washer.  

The plumber handed the housewife a bill for $100.  She protested at such a high price for such a simple task.  The plumber took the bill back and rewrote it.  This time the bill said, $1.00 for hitting the pipe, $99.00 for knowing where to hit it.  

So what does this mean for pharmacy owners?  Your expertise has value but finding ways to charge for it will not be as simple for you as the plumber.  It can be done. I know because I have been in pharmacies that do it.  But it will take some careful thinking about what you can do, where you provide it and how you explain it. 

Surely you won't start charging for simple OTC advice or counter-side consultations.  But that doesn't mean you can't set up a program where you offer to sit down, on an appointment basis and do a thorough medication review where you capture all the medications a person takes, including OTC, essential oils, supplements and even discuss some dietary issues. 

An offer to do that, by appointment in a private, or even virtual setting, for a fee could appeal to a small percentage of your patients.  Once you get started and have some success your confidence will grow and you'll find ways to get others to participate.  I'd even be willing to bet some of your patients will suggest the service to others and you'll attract new customers.    

For more ideas, and to hear first hand how other pharmacy owners are implementing new, profitable programs and services check out my podcast;


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