Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Mark Cuban Helps Start The Cost Plus Drug Company

I am excited to be part of this upcoming program.  Lots of new companies and new methods of serving patients are entering the pharmacy landscape.  The Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company is one of them.  I can't wait to hear what this guy has to say.  

Press Release:  Dr. Alex Oshmyansky, CEO and founder of the recently launched Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company will be the featured guest on an interactive webinar.  The program is designed to help pharmacy owners understand how this new company will benefit pharmacists and consumers.  The webinar is scheduled for March 2, 2021 from 2PM until 4PM Eastern Standard Time.  It is being produced by the Pharmacy Podcast Network in coordination with RxSafe and will be recorded for on-demand listening. Click here to register.  

 Todd Eury, CEO and Founder of the Pharmacy Podcast Network says, Dr. Oshmyansky, who goes by “Dr. Alex”, is eager for his new company to help consumers avoid the high cost of medications. Dr. Alex, is a board-certified radiologist who says he has seen too many patients suffer, and some even die, due to high prices and the complicated distribution, formulary and prior authorization systems that have made medications cost far more than necessary.

 Late last year, Dr. Alex was introduced to Mark Cuban. Cuban is the outspoken billionaire entrepreneur who has gained national attention as the owner of the Dallas Maverick’s professional basketball team and as a member of the acclaimed TV show, Shark Tank. Dr. Alex says Cuban understood his vision and has provided funding, leadership and opened doors for the company. 

 During this webinar Dr. Alex will chat with co-hosts, Todd Eury and Bruce Kneeland.  Kneeland is the host of the  popular podcast, PharmacyCrossRoads, which is one of the 30+ podcasts featured on the Pharmacy Podcast Network.  Joining Eury and Kneeland as panelists will be Bill Homes, Founder and CEO of RxSafe, Brad Jones CEO of Retail Management Solutions (RMS) and Kyle Fields, CEO of Appro-Rx which is sponsoring the podcast.     

 “I am really looking forward to listening to ideas and suggestions from those that participate in this webinar. This is a big problem and a huge opportunity for all of us to work together to take unnecessary costs and operational hurdles out of the pharmaceutical industry,” says Dr. Alex.   

 According to Eury the webinar & podcast will be a combination of panelist and participants asking questions, while at the same time, serving as an advisory board to Dr. Alex. He says the company is already providing one major generic medication to consumers at one tenth of the price of the current product.  Other medications are in the pipeline and will be announced soon, according to Dr. Alex. 

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