Tuesday, June 29, 2021

So, if you own, manage or work in a pharmacy you may find this helpful.  I was recently exposed to a book called, The Rabbit Effect.  The title comes from an experiment the book tells of where scientist, in an effort to measure the effects of diet on cholesterol, took several groups of rabbits and fed them a high fat diet.  

The experiment’s details are not as important as the unexpected findings.  Evidently one group of rabbits, fed the same diet as another cohort and with the same general age, weight, sex characteristics ended up with a 60% lower cholesterol as their control group.  The scientists were baffled so they doubled checked all the data and tried to come up with a reason for the remarkable difference.  

The author of the book states that as a result of all the double checking and interviewing lab technicians they finally found what they decided was the cause of the difference.  A new lab technician, somewhat unfamiliar with all the protocols, fed the rabbits the controlled diet at the designated time.  But, being new to the lab she was attracted to how cute the rabbits were so when she feed them, she picked them up, cuddled them and spoke gently too them.  

The final determination of the study is that love, attention and caring has a demonstrable healing effect.  

So, why share this cute rabbit story with a group of hurried and harried pharmacy workers.  Because it has been shown, care, kindness and speaking gently with people has a positive effect on health outcomes. 

Much has been said about the importance of clinical competence.  But, the phrase – bedside manner – comes to mind.  Couple that with the the right atmosphere, ambience and general feeling of the Pharmacy and you are likely to get better outcomes.  

Here is a short take asway from the author of the report I read on the book. “The rabbit effect means that when it comes to our health, we’ve been missing some crucial pieces: hidden factors behind what really makes us healthy. There’s a social dimension to health that we’ve completely overlooked in our scramble to find the best and most cutting-edge medical care. Ultimately, what affects our health in the most meaningful ways has as much to do with how we treat one another, how we live, and how we think about what it means to be human than with anything that happens in the doctor’s office.” 

So, while it will be tough, my challenge to you is continue to build your clinical skills and deploy as much technology as makes sense.  Adopt new health care services, like point of care testing or medication synchronization.  But, in all you do, find a way to do it with a personal touch.  Talk to people about their health, and about their life.  And, as they come to know that they are appreciated as people, in your pharmacy, they will get better and be better customers. 

I know it’s a tough challenge, but according to what I just read it will make a difference in your life, the life of your patients and in the health of your practice. 

For more ideas, information or inspiration on how to improve your pharmacy check out my blog at: www.pharmacycrossroads.com  

Here's  hoping this will help you do more and be better

Thursday, June 24, 2021

I had an eye opening experience today.  This morning I spent an hour or so reviewing entries on pharmacists nominated in the entrepreneurial category for the Next-Generation Pharmacist Awards.  My career has been centered on independent community pharmacy for 4 decades.  As The Road Trip Guy, I have driven to and visited amazing pharmacies all across the country.  Still, I was blown away by the uniqueness of the 10 pharmacy owners I read about today.   They have indeed found a way to think outside the box.   

Some of them have created retail pharmacies that sell only generics or that that do not accept any insurance.  Others operate in "the cloud" but provide same day hand delivery.  One is a mobile pharmacy that does only vaccinations.  They literally have no physical location.  Another bought a medical transportation business to help people in underserved communities get to their healthcare providers.  Then there is a specialty pharmacy doing amazing things with HIV, Hep. C,  and monitoring progress doing laboratory testing under a CLIA waiver.  

One comment made famous in the movie, Jurassic Park, is, "life will find a way."  My comment from today's experience is that pharmacy, will find a way.  My thanks to Parata and Pharmacy Times for inviting me to be a judge for this awards program.  But, more importantly, my thanks to those pharmacy owners who realize that the problems are opportunities in disguise and are finding ways to do more and be better.  

Thursday, June 10, 2021

If you've not had a chance to meet Joe Moose, partner is several community pharmacies in North Carolina, then you are in luck.  Joe takes some time to visit with me and share some success stories.  The podcast went live the other day.  You can listen in at this link:  https://omny.fm/shows/pharmacy-podcast-network/pharmacy-industry-living-legend-joe-moose-pharmacy

Thanks Joe for sharing so many good ideas and explaining how they came to be and how they work.  The podcast; PharmacyCrossRoads has been created to help community pharmacy Do More & Be Better.  

Thursday, June 3, 2021

 I am told almost everyday by a pharmacy owner that "My customers won't pay out-of-pocket for extra services." When I hear this I am reminded of the quote attributed to Henry Ford; "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right."

Deborah Bowers was a guest on the podcast; PharmacyCrossRoads, in early May.  She tells our podcast listeners about how - and why - she established a special web appointment system and when people want some serious help understanding and organizing their medications she refers them to the web site, suggests they schedule an appointment; and..... wait for it; pay cash for the service.  

You just may want to take a listen to the whole 35 minute interview; https://omny.fm/shows/pharmacy-podcast-network/dr-deborah-pharmacy-crossroads 

Here's hoping something you learn on any of our podcast shows help you do more and be better.  Check them all out at: www.pharmacycrossroads.com  and subscribe on Apple iTunes or where ever you get your podcasts.